Vampire Twins Series by Janice Harrell


"Struggling to cope with their dark vampire legacy, Anne Marie Montclair grieves over her mother's tragic death, while her twin brother, Paul, is torn between his love for his sister and his hatred toward the father who had abandoned him." (From

Paperback Info: ISBN 0061062472, HarperCollins, September 1994


"Horrified by her vampire legacy, Anne Marie Montclair is terrified when her twin brother, Paul, is seduced by a beautiful vampire and drawn into the dark and bloody world of their vampire father." (From

Paperback Info: ISBN 0061062464, HarperCollins, September 1994


"Struggling against her own thirst for blood, Anne Marie is stricken by the recklessness of her brother, whose appetite drives him to commit a terrible crime and makes him target his sister." (From

Paperback Info: ISBN 006106243X, HarperCollins, September 1994

[Blood Reunion]Blood Reunion

"Anne Marie, tormented by her brother's monstrous transformation, fights for control of her life as her brother, hunted by those who know his terrible secret, seeks his father's lethal protection." (From

Paperback Info: ISBN 0006751385, HarperCollins, September 1995

Also by Janice Harrell: Vampire's Love: Blood Curse and Vampire's Love: Blood Spell

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